Introduction: Publish a website with System Architect Publisher
You can publish information from encyclopedias as a website with System Architect Publisher. System Architect Publisher is an add-on product for the System Architect.
Learning objectives
This tutorial shows how to publish a website with System Architect Publisher.
Time required
This tutorial takes approximately 1 hour to finish.
In this lesson, you decide what information to include in your website. You understand the overall navigation of the information that you want to present, from top level down, and the specific type of information that you need to provide to your readers
Before you can publish information in the encyclopedia as a website, you must start the System Architect Publisher and open the encyclopedia that you want to publish as HTML.
You use the System Architect’s reporting system to create reports for use with System Architect Publisher. You can use the reporting system's graphical user interface to initially design the report. After you run a draft of the report and are satisfied with the output, you can modify the code of the report in a text editor for your purposes. In this lesson you modify a sample report.
Sub-reports are a feature of the System Architect reporting system introduced specifically for System Architect Publisher. You can use sub-reports to generate a report page that not only includes information on a particular artifact (Diagram, Symbol, or Definition), but also complete reports on its properties. For example, a typical report for a Class definition lists its attributes and methods, and for each attribute and each method, a link is provided to a page that contains a full report on each attribute and method. Using sub-reports, you can create a Class definition report that has an Attribute sub-report and a Method sub-report, so that all information is presented on one page. In this lesson you add a sub-report.
The website generation template that you build gets information from the System Architect repository using reports from System Architect’s reporting system. The first report that is run is called the 'starting' report. In this lesson you specify a starting report.
In System Architect, the three basic 'classes' are diagrams, symbols, or definitions. You can specify a default report to be run for all diagrams, symbols, or definitions in the Class Defaults tab
In this tab you specify default reports to run for particular diagram, symbol, or definition types. For example, a Use Case diagram is a type of diagram, an actor and a Use Case are types of symbols, a class definition or a Use Case definition is a type of definition.
You can specify an alternative report to be run (instead of the default) for a particular type, as that type is encountered within the context of a particular report.