Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > ArchiMate elements > ArchiMate data object
ArchiMate data object
A data object represents data structured for automated processing. The following is true about a data object:
An application function or process can operate on data objects.
A data object can be communicated through interactions and used or produced by application services.
A data object can be accessed by an application function, application interaction, or application service.
A data object can realize a business object, and can be realized by an artifact.
A data object can have association, specialization, aggregation, or composition relationships with other data objects.
The name of a data object should be a noun.
This element can be visualized on the following ArchiMate Viewpoints:
Basic Viewpoints
ArchiMate Application Platform Viewpoint
ArchiMate Information Structure Viewpoint
ArchiMate Layered Viewpoint
ArchiMate Product Viewpoint
ArchiMate Application Usage Viewpoint
ArchiMate Technology Usage Viewpoint
ArchiMate Business Process Cooperation Viewpoint
ArchiMate Application Cooperation Viewpoint
ArchiMate Service Realization Viewpoint
ArchiMate Implementation and Deployment Viewpoint
Motivation Viewpoints
ArchiMate Requirements Realization Viewpoint
Strategy Viewpoints
ArchiMate Strategy Viewpoint
ArchiMate Capability Map Viewpoint
ArchiMate Outcome Realization Viewpoint
ArchiMate Resource Map Viewpoint
See also
ArchiMate elements