Administrator Guide
Release levels
Syntax notation conventions
Overview of solidDB® administration
Creating a database
Administration interface
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
Administering solidDB®
Automated and manual administration
Starting and stopping servers
Starting solidDB®
Closing a database (preventing new connections)
Shutting down solidDB®
Creating a new database
Usernames, passwords, and system catalog names
Unicode and partial Unicode database modes
Setting up database environment
solidDB® configuration file (solid.ini)
Setting database block size (BlockSize) and location (FileSpec)
Defining database objects
Connecting to solidDB® with solidDB® tools (solsql and solcon)
Running solidDB® server as a Windows service
Starting solidDB® server as a service for the first time
Starting and stopping solidDB® services
Removing solidDB® services
Running several servers on one computer
Performing backup and recovery
Making local backups
Making backups over the network
Configuring and automating backups
What happens during backup
Administering network backup server
Monitoring and controlling backups
Correcting a failed backup
Troubleshooting backups
Restoring backups
Transaction logging
Creating checkpoints
Entering timed commands
Compacting database files (database reorganization)
Configuring solidDB®
Managing parameters
Configuration files and parameter settings
Viewing and setting parameters with ADMIN COMMAND
Setting parameters through the solid.ini configuration file
Access mode and persistence of parameter modifications
Format of configuration parameter names and values
Most important server-side parameters
Most important client-side parameters
Using solidDB® command-line options
Setting environment variables specific to solidDB®
Default solidDB® authentication
Operating-system-based external authentication
Enabling encryption with OpenSSL
Encrypting database and log files
Starting an encrypted database
Changing the encryption password
Decrypting a database
Disabling encryption of passwords
Setting RSA key length for OpenSSL encryption
Querying database encryption status
Making backups of encrypted databases
Encrypting HotStandby servers
Encryption and performance
Authorization, privileges, and roles
Using solidDB® with SELinux
Using solidDB® audit features
Auditing database transactions
Using solidDB® audit trail (AuditTrailEnabled)
Enabling and disabling audit trail
Querying audit trail data in the SYS_AUDIT_TRAIL system table
Using solidDB® Audit info (AuditInfoLogEnabled)
Audit info filtering by user name
Using Audit Info with solidDB® HotStandby
Using Audit Info with solidDB® Advanced Replication
Audit Info record format
Interpretation of Audit Info files
Other auditing considerations
Troubleshooting encryption and authentication
Monitoring solidDB®
Viewing error messages and log files
Controlling message log output
Viewing error message descriptions with ADMIN COMMAND 'errorcode'
Using trace files
Tracing failed login attempts
Checking solidDB® version
Checking solidDB® ODBC and JDBC client version
Checking database status
Obtaining list of connected users
Disconnecting (throwout) connected users
Querying the status of the most recent backup
Producing reports
Performance counters (perfmon)
ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon diff': Producing a continuous performance monitoring report
ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon timers'
Managing network connections
Communication between client and server
Network listening names (Com.Listen)
Viewing supported protocols for the server
Viewing network names for the server
Adding and modifying a network name for the server
Removing network name from the server
Connect strings for ODBC clients
Default connect string (Com.Connect)
Logical data source names
OpenSSL for ODBC clients
Connect strings for JDBC clients
OpenSSL for JDBC clients
Direct linking with SMA and LLA
Communication protocols
TCP/IP protocol
TLS protocol
UNIX pipes
Named pipes
Shared memory
Summary of protocols
Using solidDB® data management tools
solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
Starting solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
Entering commands in solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
Starting solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
Executing SQL statements with solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
Executing an SQL script from a file
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql) commands
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado and solload)
File types
Starting solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado and solload)
Tips for speeding up loading
Examples of solidDB® Speed Loader usage
Control file syntax
solidDB® Export (solexp)
Starting solidDB® Export (solexp)
solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd)
Starting solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd)
Entering password from a file
Using solidDB® tools with Unicode
Example: Reloading a database using solidDB® tools
Performance tuning
Logging and transaction durability
Standards compliance
Balancing performance and safety
How relaxed transaction durability can improve performance
Choosing transaction isolation levels
Setting the isolation level
Controlling memory consumption
Controlling process size
Tuning your operating system
Database cache
Cache segment partitioning
Principles of operation
Creating and modifying cache segments
Example: Assigning tables to cache segments
Example: Assigning data ranges to cache segments
Querying cache segment sizes and assignments
Tuning network messages
Tuning I/O
Distributing I/O
Setting the MergeInterval parameter
Tuning checkpoints
Parallel SQL
Performance impacts of Parallel SQL
Reducing Bonsai Tree size by committing transactions
Preventing excessive Bonsai Tree growth
Determining currently existing connections
Determining when connections have committed transactions
Providing COMMIT statements in the application code
Troubleshooting COMMITs when using ODBC Driver Manager
Data compression
Data compression in solidDB
Compression algorithm principle
Enabling and disabling compression
Compressing an existing large database
Extensions to SQL syntax
Diagnosing poor performance
Troubleshooting and support
Troubleshooting a problem
Tools for troubleshooting
Tracing SQL statements
SQL Info facility
Analyzing SQL Trace facility output
Comparison of the Monitor facility and the SQL Trace facility
Using stack trace facility
Tracing communication between client and server
Troubleshooting SMA
Troubleshooting database file size (file write fails)
Troubleshooting MME.ImdbMemoryLimit
Troubleshooting solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd)
Software support for solidDB®
Server-side configuration parameters
Accelerator section
Cluster section
Communication section
General section
HotStandby section
IndexFile section
Logging section
LogReader section
MME section
SharedMemoryAccess section
Sorter section
SQL section
Srv section
Synchronizer section
Client-side configuration parameters
Client section
Communication section
Data sources section
SharedMemoryAccess section
TransparentFailover section
solidDB® command-line options
Environment variables
Error codes
Error classes
solidDB® system errors
solidDB® database errors
solidDB® table errors
solidDB® session errors
solidDB® communication errors
solidDB® server errors
solidDB® procedure errors
solidDB® API errors
solidDB® sorter errors
solidDB® RPC errors and messages
solidDB® synchronization errors
solidDB® HotStandby errors
solidDB® SSA (SQL API) errors
solidDB® COM (communication) messages
solidDB® SRV (server) errors
solidDB® database engine errors and messages
solidDB® CP (checkpoint) messages
solidDB® BCKP (backup) messages
solidDB® AT (timed commands) messages
solidDB® LOG (logging) messages
solidDB® INI (configuration file) messages
solidDB® HotStandby errors and messages
solidDB® SNC (synchronization) messages
solidDB® XS (external sorter) errors and messages
solidDB® FIL (file system) messages
solidDB® TAB (table) messages
solidDB® SMA (shared memory access) errors
solidDB® SQL errors
solidDB® executable errors
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado and solload) errors
solidDB® ADMIN COMMAND syntax
Administrator Guide
solidDB® ADMIN COMMAND syntax
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