Installing System Architect
Planning the installation
Installation requirements
Installation considerations
System Architect installation scenarios
Database requirements for the encyclopedia servers
Ports and protocols for the SQL Server
Compatible products
Supported languages
Features to install
Pre-installation tasks
Installing System Architect
Installing System Architect on a Vista computer
Setting the local language
Problems during installation
Installing System Architect in silent mode
Silent installation requirements
Command line options
Custom silent installation
Silent installation: Example command lines
Requirements for System Architect IBM DOORS integration silent installations
Post‑installation tasks
Starting System Architect
Installing SQL Server Express
Installing add-on products
Configuring System Architect
Using System Architect with non-English character sets
System Architect and Arabic characters
System Architect and Chinese characters
Configuring user access rights to servers, catalogs, and encyclopedias
Configuring access rights for the SQL Server environment
Assigning encyclopedia access rights for SQL Server by using System Architect Encyclopedia Manager
Assigning encyclopedia access rights for SQL Server by using SQL scripts
Assigning catalog access rights for SQL Server by using System Architect Encyclopedia Manager
Assigning catalog access rights for SQL Server by using SQL scripts
Permitting connections to SQL Server Express from a client computer
Explorer icons for definition types
Enabling local language for user interfaces
Enabling roaming user profiles
Configuring encryption for encyclopedia connections
Modifying, repairing, and removing System Architect
Installing System Architect XT
System Architect XT product overview
Planning the installation of System Architect XT
System Architect XT installation overview
System requirements for installing System Architect XT
Administrative privileges and domain accounts for installing System Architect XT
Requirements for hardware, operating system, client PC, and Internet Information Services (IIS)
Installing and configuring Internet Information Services (IIS) for Windows operating system
License requirements for System Architect XT and System Architect XT Web Service
Requirements for Windows services and components
System Architect XT and System Architect integration
Accessing encyclopedias with System Architect XT
Before installing System Architect XT
Installing System Architect XT
Verifying System Architect XT website properties in IIS
1: Checking and configuring ASP.NET mapping
2: Setting directory security manually
3: Setting the default page for System Architect XT website manually
4: Verifying that type .SVG MIME is present
5: Globalization settings
Editing the web.config file
IIS 6.0 only: Set IIS to use NTLM authentication
Folder permissions for the System Architect XT domain account
System Architect temporary folders
System Architect XT temporary folders
Folders and files that require the full control permission
Granting full control to required folders manually
Using encrypted connections to encyclopedias
Running and testing the System Architect XT website
Running System Architect XT on the IIS server
Adding DCOM rights to Impersonation account and INTERACTIVE group
Checking that System Architect XT can access encyclopedias on a server
Windows Desktop Heap allocation
Adding encrypted security to the impersonation account
Registering the .NET framework
Enabling System Architect XT web service
Configuring the System Architect XT web service
Verifying the System Architect XT web service properties
Checking and configuring ASP.NET mapping
Setting directory security
Editing the System Architect XT web service web.config file
Checking folder permissions for the System Architect XT web service domain account
Testing the System Architect XT web service
Accessing help for System Architect XT and the web service
Uninstalling System Architect XT
System Architect XT/Focal Point Gadget Dashboard
Installing System Architect XT/Focal Point Gadget Dashboard
Post-installation tasks
Install and configure database for Focal Point
Configure and start Focal Point Server
Configure Focal Point and System Architect XT for integration
Overview of the Catalog Manager
Installing SA and SA XT on same machine
Installation requirements
Installing System Architect XT over System Architect
Running System Architect when System Architect XT is also installed
Uninstalling System Architect XT
Setting access control with SA Catalog Manager
Installing SA Cognos Bridge
Installing the System Architect Cognos Bridge
Silent installation overview
Silent installation requirement
Post installation tasks
Enabling local language for the user interface
Known install and uninstall issues
Installing System Architect
Known install and uninstall issues
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