Enterprise architecture with TOGAF
UML modeling for information system architecture
Introduction: UML modeling for information system architecture
Summary of the method for a Use Case-driven approach to systems design
Module 1: Model with use cases
Lesson 1.1: Organize a project into packages
Lesson 1.2: Model use case scenarios
Lesson 1.3: Create a child use case diagram
Lesson 1.4: Define a use case by using steps
Lesson 1.5: Create an includes relationship between use cases
Lesson 1.6: Extend a use case
Lesson 1.7: Modify properties with USPROPS.TXT
Lesson 1.8: Track requirements against use cases
Module 2: Create sequence and collaboration diagrams
Lesson 2.1: Create sequence diagrams
Lesson 2.2: Create collaboration diagrams
Module 3: Create class diagrams
Lesson 3.1: Create a class diagram
Lesson 3.2: Add an association between classes
Lesson 3.3: Define an association
Lesson 3.4: Add associations between other classes
Lesson 3.5: Create inheritance relationships
Lesson 3.6: Cross-reference class and sequence diagrams
Module 4: Create state diagrams
Lesson 4.1: Create a state diagram
Lesson 4.2: Determine the states and transitions for a class
Lesson 4.3: Add states to the state diagram
Lesson 4.4: Add actions to the state definition
Module 5: Map class diagrams to entity relation diagrams
Lesson: Map class diagrams to entity relation diagrams
Relational data modeling for data architecture
Introduction: Relational data modeling for data architecture
Module 1: Generate a logical data model
Lesson 1.1: Create a subject area diagram
Lesson 1.2: Draw and define entities and their components
Lesson 1.3: Draw and define relation lines
Lesson 1.4: Propagate foreign key roles and enter role names
Lesson 1.5: Create a second subject area diagram
Lesson 1.6: Create and manage a model diagram
Module 2: Create a physical data model
Lesson 2.1: Create a physical data model
Lesson 2.2: Model constraints between tables
Report generation and publishing
Introduction to report generation and publishing
Module 1: Run a prewritten report
Lesson: Run a prewritten report
Module 2: Create a report
Lesson 2.1: Create a report file
Lesson 2.2: Select the diagram type
Lesson 2.3: Select which diagram properties to print
Lesson 2.4: Include diagram symbols in the report
Lesson 2.5: Limit the symbols in the report to entities
Lesson 2.6: Select the definition type properties and entities
Lesson 2.7: Include data elements by querying “is a” relationships
Lesson 2.8: Generate a final report
Module 3: Publish an HTML report
Lesson 3.1: Open the HTML report generator
Lesson 3.2: Specify a template home page
Lesson 3.3: Specify a destination home page
Lesson 3.4: Select the diagrams to publish
Lesson 3.5: Generate the HTML report
Lesson 3.6: View the results
Publish information as HTML with System Architect Publisher
Introduction: Publish a website with System Architect Publisher
Lesson 1: Design the overall website hierarchy
Lesson 2: Start the System Architect Publisher
Lesson 3: Create a new template
Lesson 4: Modify reports for use with System Architect Publisher
Lesson 5: Add sub-reports
Lesson 6: Specify the starting report
Lesson 7: Set class defaults
Lesson 8: Set type defaults
Lesson 9: Specify alternative reports
Lesson 10: Perform setup
Lesson 10: Perform setup
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