Native reporting system
Reporting system overview
Reporting system tutorial: In brief
Tutorial: Using the System Architect Report Editor
Reporting menus and features
How to run a report
Running a report
Define dialog
Grid report output
Accessing the Reports dialog
Report Definition file and structure
Selecting the report definition file
Selecting the report you want to run
Pre-written reports to choose from
Pre-written report
Tabular reports
Matrix reports
Printing a report
Choices for printing a report
Printing a draft report
Draft dialog
Page Setup dialog
Formatting the printed report page
Printing a header and footer on the report page
Footers dialog
Headers dialog
Selecting a font
Font dialog
Selecting a border pen
Pen Style dialog
Printing the report definition file
How to edit or add a report
Overview of adding and editing reports
Methods for adding and editing reports
Editing and adding a report
GUI editor
Add Report dialog
Example: Using extraction specification levels
Edit <report name> dialog
Selecting a report type
HTML reports
Grid reports
Raw Data option
Text mode error
Select <class> Properties to Print dialog
Select <class> Where dialog
Boolean symbols
Style sheets for HTML reporting
Output file
Support for References/ReferencedBy keywords
Text Editor
Overview of editing a report in text mode
Using the Text Editor to edit or add a report
Text mode: Editing the printed report column and column layout
Text mode: Editing the report body layout
Text mode: Editing the report sort criteria
Text mode: Editing the report extraction criteria
Editing a report in text mode
Use Text Editor dialog
Edit <report name>: Text Mode dialog
Text mode: Editing the report name, description, and ID
Pre-written reports that require the Text Editor
Duplicating a report
Deleting a report
Copying the Report Definition file
Creating a new Report Definition file
Report Definition file structure
How to edit an existing report
Predefined fields
Setting report output options
Relations between objects
Setting page size and margins
Setting borders and grids
Printing one or more columns
Select column header and placement
Select column header name
Fields used to identify cardinality
Using the Report Editor to edit or add a report
Editing and adding the report name and description
Editing and adding the report selection criteria
Microsoft Windows methods for selecting items from a list
Class specification
Editing and adding the report columns
Editing and adding column labels and layout
Editing and adding the report body layout
Editing and adding the report sort criteria
Defining user-defined fields and attributes
Fields used to identify definitions
Fields used to identify symbols and diagrams
Relationship constants
Redefining predefined field attributes
Editing or adding global report information
Setting column headings typeface (font) and placement
Using fields as variables
Storing a selected value in a field for later use
Using a field value in a WHERE clause
Selecting the last-stored value of a field in a SELECT statement
How to use subreports
Report specification requirements
Grid style
SAXT Reader
Report level
Example 1: 1-level main with 1-level subreport
Example 2: Multi-level main with 1-Level subreport
Example 3: 1-level main with multi-level subreport
Example 4: Multi-level main with multi-level subreport
Example 5: Using subreports at multiple levels
Example 6: Pass DDID by parameter
Example 7: Subreport by property and class, type restriction
Report output differences
Traversing the encyclopedia
Learning about the encyclopedia
Encyclopedia overview
Encyclopedia metamodel
Relationships in the encyclopedia
Example: “connects” relation pair
Example: Child symbols relation pair
Sample of parent/child relationships in an auto-decomposition diagram
Example: “uses” relation
Turning off iterations of uses
Reading the relationship diagram
Encyclopedia contents
Makeup of the encyclopedia
Entity table
Entity table overview
Entity table description
Additional entity table fields
Commonly used entity table fields
Relationship table
Relationship table overview
Relationship table description
Relationship table field identifiers
Configuration files
Configuration files overview
Graphical diagram files
Encyclopedia format files
Reporting across workspaces
Reporting system command language
AND condition
ASCIIFILE subcommand
BORDER subcommand
BORDERPEN subcommand
CELL command
COLUMN command
DECIMALS subcommand
DEFINE command
DESCRIPT command
DIAGRAM command
DISPLAY subcommand
EXTRACT subcommand
EXTRACTFILE subcommand
FIELD command
FIELD FONT subcommand
FIELD LEGEND subcommand
FIELDSPACE subcommand
FMTSCRPT subcommand
FMTSCRPTVBA subcommand
FONT command
FONT command and subcommand overview
FONT subcommand
GRID subcommand
GRIDPEN subcommand
HEADER subcommand
Justifying headers and footers
HEADERFONT subcommand
HEADERSPACE subcommand
HEIGHT subcommand
IMAGEFORMAT subcommand
INDENT subcommand
JOIN command
KEYLENGTH subcommand
LABEL subcommand
LEFTMARGIN subcommand
LEGEND subcommand
LEGENDFONT subcommand
LINESPACE subcommand
LENGTH subcommand
MARGIN subcommand
MATRIX command
NAMESTUB subcommand
NEWPAGE command
ONLINE subcommand
OR condition
ORDERBY command
PAGESIZE subcommand
PARTIAL command
POS subcommand
PRINT subcommand
REMARK subcommand
REPORT command
RIGHTMARGIN subcommand
ROW command
RUNACROSSWS subcommand
SELECT command
SELECT FONT subcommand
SELECT LABEL subcommand
SETTING command
Setting headers and footers
Setting extract database
Setting language, list and decimal separators
Setting inheritance properties
Setting error mark for rules checking reports
SETTING FONT subcommand
SIZE subcommand
SOURCE subcommand
TABULAR command
TOPMARGIN subcommand
TRAILER subcommand
TRAILERFONT subcommand
TYPE subcommand
VALUE command
WHERE command
WIDTH subcommand
Common field values
Generating diagrams and definitions to HTML
Mechanisms for generating output to HTML
Using the HTML Reports tool
Running HTML reports automatically using batch files
HTML Generator templates
Variable pages
Constant pages
Batch Documentation Facility
Printing sample reports
Available commands
DEFINE: Specify values
DIAGRAM: Include diagrams in documents
Filtering diagrams
Sizing diagrams for printing
Specifying fonts and font sizes
DOS: Manage the formatting process
Redirecting output to files
Changing the current encyclopedia
Changing the current report path
Changing the report file
Deleting temporary files
REMARK: Insert comments
REPORT: Include reports
Printing files
SETTING: Modify print settings
Preventing output display
Setting page margins
Setting page size
Setting print output destination
Specifying borders
Running reports to Microsoft Word format
Microsoft Visual Basic for applications
Querying the repository with 3rd-party tools
Flattener (Normalized Table Builder)
What the normalized table builder does
Using the normalized table builder
Example SQL queries
OLE DB interface
Native reporting system
OLE DB interface
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